
We don’t get snow in New Zealand.

Well, on the mountains, sure (there’s some good skiing in NZ), but not in the parts that most people live anyway. Certainly not my hometown of Napier. Ergo snow is always exciting for me. The first White Xmas I had was in Canada, staying at my buddy Erik’s house in Wasaga Beach, Ontario. That was back in 1989(?). Man, we had some fun. Wasaga Beach is a ghost town in Winter (in Summer, it rocks apparently). There was a large pond just down the road from where he lived and it freezes over during Winter. We were out there playing ice hockey and tossing a nerf ball around. It was great.

I find it difficult to understand people who don’t like snow. I guess if you have to live year after year in a white Xmas, it would be a hassle. Mind you, in the Southern Hemisphere we have the same thing year after year too. But a Summer Xmas never becomes a problem.

So we had some lovely fine snow yesterday afternoon.

It got heavier and last night it snowed quite a lot. I was trudging through snow about 3 inches deep on the way to work today. I enjoy that. Here’s a shot of GyeongBok Palace. I occasionally take some pictures there on the way to work.

Actually, the snow was beautiful last night. It was the kind that glitters like powdered glass.

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